2014 Edition, Issue 2

July 2014 ARE Rolling Clock

July 1, 2014 marks the date when Architect Registration Examination (ARE) divisions, successfully completed by a candidate prior to January 1, 2006, become invalid and must be retaken, unless all remaining ARE divisions are completed by June 30, 2014.

The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) expanded the scope of the ARE Rolling Clock when its membership (which consists of US state and territorial architectural registration boards) approved a resolution that applies the ARE Rolling Clock to pre-2006 ARE divisions. Prior to the approval of the resolution, such ARE divisions were exempt and the scores were valid indefinitely.

Expanding the scope of the ARE Rolling Clock will likely be of particular interest to those candidates who are presently active in the testing process and have pre-2006 ARE divisions in their examination history but have not yet completed all divisions of the ARE. The Board recommends to such candidates that they complete their remaining ARE divisions prior to the June 30, 2014 deadline in order to preserve examination credit. NCARB is not granting any extensions to the deadline.

It is also important to note that candidates and licensees who successfully completed ALL divisions of the ARE or a predecessor form of the examination, such as the California Architectural Licensing Examination, prior to January 1, 2006 will NOT be affected by the expanded scope of the ARE Rolling Clock. These examination scores will remain valid.

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