
Winter 2025
As my second year as president of the California Architects Board (CAB) comes to an end, and after nearly six years of service on the Board, I refect on the privilege it has been to serve California...

Winter 2024
Climate change is the single largest threat we face today, and architecture plays such a vital role. Existing structures, construction of new ones, and their intended lifetime use are leading producers of carbon emissions...

Spring 2023
As the incoming Board president, I want to acknowledge California’s 22,000 architects and the passion we share for our profession. We attained our goal of becoming architects and are happy to welcome new ones into the fold...

Summer 2023
The California Architects Board (CAB) is self-funded. To continue providing services to candidates, licensees, and consumers, and to cover operating expenses, we had to increase our license and renewal fees for the first time in...

Spring 2022
The California Architects Board is the largest architectural board in the United States in terms of number of licensees it regulates. As a consumer protection agency, the Board regulates more than 20,000 architects by...

Summer 2022
The last newsletter highlighted the Board’s Communications Committee goals, and I will focus on the Regulations and Enforcement Committee (REC) in this issue. The REC establishes regulatory standards of practice...

Winter 2022
As I end my two-year tenure as Board president, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the Board, staff, and fellow architects. It has been a pleasure to serve as Board president, and direct the following achievements...