Enforcement Actions - K
Using the first letter of the individual’s last name, select the letter group below that corresponds. This will display enforcement actions for the corresponding letter group.
Each page of the Enforcement Actions section is divided into subsections for citations, administrative actions, and convictions. You should check each subsection to see if an enforcement action has been taken against the individual you are seeking.
Jeffrey C. Kadlowec
Las Vegas, NV—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Jeffrey C. Kadlowec, architect license number C 31642, for an alleged violation of Business and Professions Code section 5579 (Fraud in Obtaining License). The action alleged that on or about June 12, 2019, a Settlement Agreement and Order by the Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design (NSBAIDRD) became effective, based on a Notice of Charges filed on or about May 14, 2019 against Kadlowec, alleging that he failed to act with reasonable care and was negligent in the practice of architecture. NSBAIDRD sent Kadlowec a letter on or about June 13, 2019 stating, “be aware that this Board does consider this settlement agreement to constitute disciplinary action.” The action alleged that Kadlowec represented on his October 17, 2019 California license renewal application that he had not been disciplined by a public agency during the preceding two-year renewal period. Kadlowec paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on February 27, 2020.
Nancy Keenan
Pleasanton—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Nancy Keenan, architect license number C-17751, for an alleged violation of Business and Professions Code section 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Keenan certified false or misleading information on her 2019 License Renewal Application and completed the coursework on disability access requirements after her November 30, 2019 license renewal date. Keenan paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on June 17, 2020.
Roland Ketelsen
Sacramento—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,500 administrative fine to Roland Ketelsen, architect license number C-23046, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code section 5584 (Negligence) and California Code of Regulations, title 16, section 160(a)(2) (Professional Misconduct). The action alleged that the Elk Grove Water District (EGWD) hired Ketelsen to provide professional architectural and engineering services for a new Information Technology Center containing offices, a meeting room, and a server room. EGWD is a department of the Florin Resource Conservation District (FRCD) and operates the City of Elk Grove's water system. The server room contained the computer servers that manage all the water district’s computer systems, including the system that allows water treatment operators to monitor the public drinking water system that serves more than 39,000 people.
Ketelsen and his mechanical engineering sub-consultant Sigma Engineering specified a 1.5-ton Mitsubishi M-Series split system air conditioning unit for the server room. Based on that specification, the 1.5-ton M-series unit was purchased and installed. On December 10, 2018, the air conditioning unit stopped providing cooling air. The temperature in the server room rose to 115-degrees Fahrenheit and the computer servers shut down due to heat overload. The next morning, an independent air conditioning company (COAC) was brought in to diagnose the problem. The COAC technician determined that, according to the manufacturer’s data sheet, the installed M-series unit was designed for comfort cooling, not for equipment cooling, and that the P-series Mitsubishi should have been specified. The M-series coolant, in a separate “split” unit outside the building, freezes when the outside temperature drops too low, causing the air conditioner to shut down.
Ketelsen was notified of the improper specification and took no immediate action to address the problem. On December 17, 2018, the same problem occurred with the M-series unit and temperatures in the server room again rose to dangerous levels. Due to the criticality of the computer servers to the water district’s operations, the water district had COAC remove the M-series and install a P-series unit at a cost of $8,201. On January 14, 2019, a meeting to discuss the problem was scheduled between the Mitsubishi Sales Engineer/Area Manager, the General Manager of the water district, the FRCD General Manager, Ketelsen, and the principal of Sigma Engineering. Ketelsen and the representative from Sigma Engineering both failed to show up for the meeting. The representative from Mitsubishi confirmed that the P-series air conditioner is the proper unit for a server room, and the M-series is not recommended for that application.
Ketelsen’s failure to specify and design the appropriate HVAC system, and his failure to assist the owner in resolving the problem constitute negligence in the practice of architecture, violations of Business and Professions Code section 5584 and California Code of Regulations, title 16, section 160(a)(2). Ketelsen paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on July 30, 2020.
Robert J. Klob
Chandler, AZ—The Board issued a two-count citation that included a $3,000 administrative fine to Robert J. Klob, dba Robert Klob Designs Inc., an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that Klob’s company website advertised that he provides design plans for Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) homes in California. The action further alleged that on or about June 18, 2018, Klob sent a client a Proposal and Agreement for Residential Design Services to provide designs, drawings and documents for a new custom home in Lake Arrowhead, California using ICF, which is not described in Business and Professions Code section 5537(a) as an exempt building. The citation became final on February 20, 2020.
Erik Kramer
Redwood City—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $1,000 administrative fine to Erik Kramer, dba Speck Design, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that Kramer identified himself as an “Architect” on his company website. The citation became final on February 13, 2020.
John B. Kilbane
Santa Monica—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to John B. Kilbane, architect license number C-9110, for an alleged violation of BPC § 5600.05(b) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Kilbane failed to maintain records of completion of the required coursework for two years from the date of license renewal and failed to make those records available to the Board for auditing upon request. Kilbane paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on December 29, 2017.
Elhamy Michel Kirollos
Santa Clarita—The Board issued a two-count citation that included a $2,000 administrative fine to Elhamy Michel Kirollos, architect license number C-30861, for alleged violations of BPC 5584 (Negligence) and CCR 160(f)(1) (Rules of Professional Conduct). The action alleged that Kirollos failed to modify a construction contract agreement to reflect major changes in roles and responsibilities of both the architect and contractor when both functions and associated activities are performed by the same person. He failed to clearly define his role and responsibilities as both architect and contractor to fairly protect the interests of all concerned. Kirollos also changed the project scope of work without first obtaining the client’s consent to do so in writing. Kirollos paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on October 15, 2015.
John Krukar
Modesto—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to John Krukar, architect license number C-28160, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Krukar certified false or misleading information on his 2013 License Renewal Application. Krukar paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on April 10, 2015.
Rand Kruse
Newport Beach—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,000 administrative fine to Rand Kruse, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect) and CCR 134(a) (Use of the Term Architect). The action alleged that Kruse’s company displayed a business advertisement sign next to a construction site. The advertisement sign contained Kruse’s business name, Rand Kruse Architecture + Interiors. Kruse’s company website rkaandi.com used a business name that included as part of its title the term "Architecture." Kruse’s company website also contained the Meta description tag keywords, "architecht," "architecture," and "architect." Board records failed to reveal that there is a Business Entity Report Form on file by a licensee as required by BPC 5558 for said company indicating that there is a licensed architect in management control of professional services that are offered and provided by Kruse’s company, Rand Kruse Architecture + Interiors. The citation became final on March 15, 2015.
Elias A. Kuddis
Glendale—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Elias A. Kuddis, architect license number C-10790, for an alleged violation of BPC § 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Kuddis certified false or misleading information on his 2016 License Renewal Application. Kuddis paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on September 13, 2017.
Administrative Actions
Arthur Frank Kent
Huntington Beach—Effective October 13, 2017, Arthur Frank Kent’s architect license number C-15748 was revoked. Kent was also ordered to reimburse the Board $7,485 for its enforcement costs if his license is reinstated. The action came after a Proposed Decision, as corrected, was adopted by the Board.
An Accusation was filed against Kent for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code sections 5583 (Fraud or Deceit), 5584 (Negligence or Willful Misconduct), and 5536.22(a) (Failure to Use a Written Contract). The Accusation alleged that Kent was subject to disciplinary action in that he: committed fraud or deceit by accepting payment for professional services he thereafter failed to perform and lying about performing the services he promised to perform; committed negligence or willful misconduct by accepting payment for professional services he thereafter failed to perform; and failed to use a written contract, executed prior to the commencement of actual work. Specifically, on or about August 2, 2013, Kent was hired to prepare site and utility plans to install a commercial trailer on vacant property located in Whittier, California. Kent did not provide the client with a written contract for his professional services. On or about August 1, 2013, the client paid $320 to Kent for conceptual site plans, and on or about August 22, 2013, the client paid $960 to Kent for preliminary drawings. On or about January 26, 2014, Kent admitted to the Board that the client gave him a $773 check made payable to the City of Los Angeles Planning Department for permit fees on the project, and that he told the client that he submitted the drawings to the City. Kent admitted that he did not submit the drawings or the permit fees to the City, and that he acted unprofessionally. Kent and the client agreed to terminate their professional relationship, and Kent agreed to refund his money.
Huntington Beach—Effective April 27, 2007, Arthur Frank Kent’s architect license, number C-15748, was revoked; however, revocation was stayed, his license was suspended for 150 days and he was placed on probation for six years with specific terms and conditions, including reimbursing the Board $8,000 for its investigative and prosecution costs. The action came after a stipulated settlement was negotiated and adopted by the Board.
An Accusation was filed against Kent for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code (BPC) sections 5583 (Fraud in Practice of Architecture), 5584 (Negligence or Willful Misconduct), and 5536.22 (Written Contract). The Accusation alleged that Kent submitted an altered soils report with building plans to the City of Huntington Beach (City) for his client’s project, when the soils report was actually for a different project and property. Kent did not prepare or execute a written contract for this project.
In another project, Kent was hired to provide architectural drawings to add an overhang on the front entryway of a residence. The plans that Kent submitted to the City did not pass plan check. The plans were redone, resubmitted and approved. After the work was completed, water started leaking into the home from the roof and because of improper drainage, water started to pool on the roof. There was potential water and mold damage to the interior drywall and attic. The City performed a final inspection, issuing a Corrections Notice that the roof pitch must meet the Building Code requirements, regardless of the architect’s plans. Kent corrected the plans twice and those plans still did not meet the City’s approval. Four months later, the City approved Kent’s plans. Subsequently, the contractors refused to work on the project stating that the plans were still incorrectly done. Kent did not prepare or execute a written contract for this project.
Bobby Knox
Los Angeles—Effective January 21, 2016, Bobby Knox’s architect license number C-12197, was revoked; however, the revocation was stayed and Knox’s license was suspended for 90 days. His license was placed on probation for five years with specific terms and conditions, including reimbursing the Board $21,245 for its investigative and prosecution costs. The action came after a stipulated settlement was negotiated and adopted by the Board.
A First Amended Accusation was filed against Knox for violations of BPC 5584 (Willful Misconduct) and 5588 (Report of Arbitration Award) and CCR 160(a)(2) and 160(f)(1) (Rules of Professional Conduct). The Accusation alleged that Knox failed to exercise reasonable care and competence in evaluating existing conditions that were shown to be significantly different from his original plans and made various changes to the foundation system layout and the floor plan designs for a proposed residence without first fully informing the client and obtaining the consent of the client in writing. Knox also failed to report to the Board in writing within 30 days an arbitration award in favor of the project owner. Knox failed to file with the Board a Business Entity Report Form with the proper and current name, and the current address of the business entity through which he has been providing architectural services.
There are no convictions to display.