Enforcement Actions - L
Using the first letter of the individual’s last name, select the letter group below that corresponds. This will display enforcement actions for the corresponding letter group.
Each page of the Enforcement Actions section is divided into subsections for citations, administrative actions, and convictions. You should check each subsection to see if an enforcement action has been taken against the individual you are seeking.
Bosco Lai
Oakland—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,000 administrative fine to Bosco Lai, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect) and CCR 134(a) (Use of the Term Architect). The action alleged that Lai provided a client a business card for his company, Eastbay Holding, Inc., and the business card contained the word "Architectural" as a description of the services he provides. Lai’s company, Eastbay Holding, Inc., invoiced his client for an "Architectural & Structural as build drawing" for a project located in Vallejo, California. Lai submitted plans for the project to the Solano County Building Division for permit. The title block on the plans for the project contained Lai’s business name, Eastcave Architect & Engineering. Lai is listed on the website linkedin.com under the category "Architecture & Planning." Lai’s company, Eastcave Architectural & Engineering profile was listed on the website facebook.com and included the term "Architectural" as a description of the services his company provides. Board records reflect there is not a Business Entity Report Form on file by a licensee as required by BPC 5558 for said companies indicating that there is a licensed architect in management control of professional services of the kind offered and provided by Lai’s companies, Eastcave Architect & Engineering and Eastcave Architectural & Engineering. The citation became final on May 5, 2015.
Jack Martin Lanphere, III
Beaumont—The Board issued a two-count citation that included a $5,000 administrative fine to Jack Martin Lanphere III, dba L&S Architects, Inc., an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC section 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect) and CCR, title 16, section 134(a) (Use of the Term Architect). The action alleged that multiple online profiles for the company, L&S Architects, Inc., unlawfully advertised architectural services and such advertising and devices might indicate to the public that Lanphere is an architect or qualified to engage in the practice of architecture. The action also alleged that Lanphere unlawfully used the term "architect" in the business name, L&S Architects, Inc., because Lanphere is not an architect in management control of the professional services offered and provided by the business. Lanphere paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on July 11, 2019.
Steven M. Lawler
Walnut Creek—The Board issued a three-count citation that included a $2,500 administrative fine to Steven M. Lawler, architect license number C 29399, for alleged violations of BPC sections 5586 (Discipline by Public Agency), 5579 (Fraud in Obtaining License), and 5584 (Willful Misconduct) as defined in California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 16, section 160(b)(2) (Failure to Respond to Board Investigation). The action alleged that Lawler was disciplined by the Florida State Board of Architecture and Interior Design on May 30, 2017, and again on February 19, 2019, for failure to complete continuing education requirements. The action further alleged that Lawler failed to respond to the California Board’s requests for information regarding its investigation. The action also alleged that Lawler represented on his October 10, 2018 California license renewal application that he had not been disciplined by a public agency during the preceding two-year renewal period. Lawler paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on October 28, 2019.
Charles Andrew Sang-Ho Lee
Oakland—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Charles Andrew Sang-Ho Lee, architect license number C-35189, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lee certified false or misleading information on his 2015 License Renewal Application. Lee paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on May 27, 2016.
Eric Lee
Los Angeles—The Board issued a one-count citation
that included a
$1,500 administrative fine to Eric Lee, dba Kahn Design & Development, an unlicensed individual,
for alleged violations of BPC section 5536(a)
(Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect) and CCR, title 16, section 134(a) (Use of
the Term Architect; Responsible Control
within Business Entity). The action alleged that Lee and his company Kahn Design & Development
provided a "Work Authorization
Agreement" to clients for a single-family residential project located in Los Angeles. The
services offered in the agreement included architectural design and drawing, architectural & structure design review process, prepare
architectural and consultation documents with
calculations and drawings, and city & permit process of the architectural design review
included hourly rates provided by the
"Principal Architect" and "Project Architect." On or about December 6, 2017, the
client provided Lee with a check in the
amount of $3,000 as a retainer fee at the time of the contract for the existing house reinforce
drawing and permit processing,
included architectural design and drawings. Additionally, Lee used the business name "Kahn Design
& Development," which included the
term "architectural" in its description of services, without having an architect who was in
management control of the services that were
offered and provided by the business entity and either the owner, a part-owner, an officer, or an
employee of the business entity. The citation
became final on February 14, 2019.
John Man Kong Lee
Temple City—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,500 administrative fine to John Man Kong Lee, dba JLCC Construction and JLCC Design and Construction, an unlicensed individual, for an alleged violation of BPC 5536(b) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that on or about February 28, 2015, Lee prepared drawings for a residential project located in Los Angeles, California. Lee affixed a stamp to the drawings, which read: "REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT," "John M Lee," "34188," "EXP. DATE 6-30-2016" and the legend "STATE OF CALIFORNIA." License number 34188 belongs to California licensed architect Myung-Jong Lee. Furthermore, on or about May 14, 2015, Lee’s company, JLCC Construction, submitted an Application for Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy and an Application for Grading Permit and Grading Certificate to the City of Los Angeles, Department of Building and Safety for the project. On the Applications, Lee used California licensed architect Myung-Jong Lee’s name, address, license number, and Lee’s telephone number without the architect’s knowledge or consent. Lee paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on October 4, 2016.
Kaiman Lee
Burlingame—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Kaiman Lee, architect license number C-21392, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lee certified false or misleading information on his 2017 License Renewal Application. Lee paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on June 8, 2018.
Tachen Lee
Irvine—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Tachen Lee, architect license number C-29310, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(b) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lee failed to maintain records of completion of the required coursework for two years from the date of license renewal and failed to make those records available to the Board for auditing upon request. Lee paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on June 28, 2018.
Geo Lefranc
Hawthorne—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $1,500 administrative fine to Geo Lefranc, an unlicensed individual, doing business as LeFranc Design, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a).
The action alleged that LeFranc’s company Facebook profile identified him as an “Architectural Designer” and offered “Architectural and Solar Design.” LeFranc’s company website offered “Architecture” and stated he would “Generate architectural drawings quickly and efficiently…GOALS increase my Architectural knowledge, perform well, gain trust and develop a long-term relationship that promotes mutual growth and prosperity...” LeFranc’s company Houzz profile was categorized under “Architects” and offered “architecture design and plans services.” LeFranc’s title block offered “Architectural CAD Permit Services.” LeFranc’s company The Builder Market profile was categorized under “Architects.” LeFranc’s company Angi profile offered “Architects.”
LeFranc’s website and profiles (Angi, Facebook, Houzz, and The Builder Market), wherein he described his services as “Architecture” and “Architectural” and offered “Architects,” are devices that might indicate to the public that LeFranc is an architect or qualified to engage in the practice of architecture in California. Such conduct constitutes violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a). LeFranc was served with notice of the violations but did not respond to multiple requests to make corrections. The citation became final on July 22, 2022.
Scott Kendall Lelieur
Bainbridge, Washington—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Scott Kendall Lelieur, architect license number C-24145, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lelieur certified false or misleading information on his 2015 License Renewal Application. Lelieur paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on February 24, 2016.
Jean A. Lemanski
San Francisco—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Jean A. Lemanski, architect license number C-19187, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lemanski certified false or misleading information on her 2015 License Renewal Application. Lemanski paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on September 17, 2015.
John Steven Lien
Los Gatos—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to John Steven Lien, architect license number C-9639, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lien certified false or misleading information on his 2013 License Renewal Application. Lien paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on March 4, 2015.
Blair Liggatt
Laguna Beach—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $1,000 administrative fine to Blair Liggatt, an unlicensed individual doing business as Blair Liggatt Group, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a) and California Code of Regulations, title 16, sections 134(a).
On or about June 14, 2021, Liggatt was hired to provide designs and obtain construction permits for the renovation of a residence in Rancho Palo Verde, California, and a residential project in Los Alamitos, California. Liggatt emailed the client, “I can do the architecture plans and construction documents,” and “Architecture Plans/ Construction docs/ submittal process: $6,000.” Liggatt was paid a total of $16,700 for these two projects, but no plans or applications for permits were prepared by Liggatt for either project.
Liggatt’s company website states that he offers “full-service commercial and residential design” and includes a gallery with commercial projects which are not exempt from licensing requirements. His company Facebook profile states, “Blair Design and Interiors is a full-service interior design firm that specializes in architectural design of homes from concept to completion.” His company Houzz profile is categorized under “Architects” and offers “Architecture Design.” His LinkedIn profile identifies him as an “Architectural Designer.” His company Thumbtack profile is categorized under “Architects” and states, “Blair Design Group is a boutique full-service architectural design studio specializing in Commercial & Residential Architecture.”
Liggatt was contacted by the Board but did not address the allegations and did not make the corrections requested. Liggatt’s proposal, website, and online profiles, wherein he used the title of “Architect” and described his services as “Architecture” and “Architectural,” are devices that might indicate to the public that Liggatt is an architect or qualified to engage in the practice of architecture in California. Such conduct constitutes violations of Business and Professions Code section 5536(a) and Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 134(a). The citation became final on May 13, 2023.
Pawchwan Lim
San Diego—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $1,000 administrative fine to Pawchwan Lim, architect license number C-22952, for an alleged violation of BPC § 5584 (Willful Misconduct) and Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 160(b)(1) (Rules of Professional Conduct). The action alleged that Lim failed to obtain a building permit from the City of Santee Building Division, as required by Section 105.1 of the 2013 California Residential Code, prior to installing and removing walls in a single-family residence located in Santee, California, that he had purchased for the purpose of renovating and reselling it. Lim paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on September 26, 2017.
Geoffrey S. Lin
San Francisco—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Geoffrey S. Lin, architect license number C-24873, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lin certified false or misleading information on his 2015 License Renewal Application. Lin paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on February 4, 2016.
Lucy Shuang Ling
Piedmont—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Lucy Shuang Ling, architect license number C-25091, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Ling certified false or misleading information on her 2017 License Renewal Application. Ling paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on June 11, 2018.
Stephen Lee Lippert
San José—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Stephen Lee Lippert, architect license number C-12273, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lippert certified false or misleading information on his 2015 License Renewal Application. Lippert paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on February 26, 2016.
James H. Little, IV
Jonesboro, Arkansas—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to James H. Little IV, architect license number C-33726, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Little certified false or misleading information on his 2017 License Renewal Application. Little paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on June 11, 2018.
Eric A. Long
Sausalito—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,000 administrative fine to Eric A. Long, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that on or about June 12, 2014 and July 9, 2014, Long was listed on the website linkedin.com under the "Architecture & Planning" category, identified as an "Assoc. Architect" and included "Architectural Design," "Architectural Drawings" and "Architecture" as part of his skills and expertise. Long paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on May 13, 2015.
Willis Douglas Longyear, III
Manhattan Beach—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Willis Douglas Longyear III, architect license number C-25336, for an alleged violation of BPC 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Longyear certified false or misleading information on his 2015 License Renewal Application. Longyear paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on March 16, 2016.
Mark Edmond Lord
Hayden, Idaho—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $750 administrative fine to Mark Edmond Lord, architect license number C-17899, for an alleged violation of BPC § 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lord failed to provide documentation to the Board from the course provider upon an audit of his 2017 License Renewal Application. Lord paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on December 28, 2017.
Gregory Keith Lossing
El Cerrito—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to Gregory Keith Lossing, architect license number C-19280, for an alleged violation of BPC § 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lossing certified false or misleading information on his 2017 License Renewal Application. Lossing paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on November 22, 2017.
Johnnie P. Loy
Orlando, Florida—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $750 administrative fine to Johnnie P. Loy, architect license number C-29990, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(b) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Loy failed to maintain records of completion of the required coursework for two years from the date of license renewal and failed to make those records available to the Board for auditing upon request. Loy paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on October 2, 2018.
Vina Lustado
Ojai—The Board issued a two-count citation that included a $1,000 administrative fine to Vina Lustado, dba Sol Haus Design, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC section 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect) and CCR section 134(a) (Use of the Term Architect). The action alleged that Lustado’s business profile on Houzz unlawfully identified her business as an "Architectural Design Firm," and listed her business under the category "Architects and Designers," a device that might indicate to the public that she is an architect or qualified to engage in the practice of architecture. The action also alleged that Lustado’s Houzz.com profile for her business "Sol Haus Design" was unlawfully categorized under "Architects and Building Designers" and described as "Ojai Valley’s Environmentally Responsible Architectural Design Firm," without a California licensed architect who is in management control of the services that are offered and provided by the business entity and either the owner, a part-owner, an officer, or an employee of the business entity. The citation became final on July 31, 2019.
Ojai—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,500 administrative fine to Vina Lustado, an unlicensed individual, for alleged violations of BPC 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that Lustado was identified as an "Architect" and/or "Architectural Designer" on the websites pinterest.com, plus.google.com, livinginashoebox.tumblr.com, paloaltoonline.com, emergingstars.com and angieslist.com. Lustado’s company website, solhausdesign.com, used the word "Architectural" as a Meta description tag keyword. Lustado’s company, Sol Haus Design was also identified as an "Architecture Design firm" on the websites wevonline.org and smallandtinyhomeideas.com. The website linkedin.com showed "Architecture" under Lustado’s "Skills & Expertise." In addition, the website, manta.com lists "architectural" as a service Lustado provides. Lustado was previously advised on April 29, 2011 that an unlicensed individual in California cannot use the terms "Architect," "Architecture" or "Architectural" to describe services offered, or as a title or identity. Lustado paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on November 24, 2014.
David H. Lyon
Carlsbad—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $500 administrative fine to David H. Lyon, architect license number C-11865, for an alleged violation of BPC section 5600.05(a)(1) (License Renewal Process; Audit; False or Misleading Information on Coursework on Disability Access Requirements). The action alleged that Lyon certified false or misleading information regarding the completion of required coursework on his 2019 License Renewal Application. Lyon paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on September 30, 2019.
Administrative Actions
Hawk Lee
San Francisco—Effective July 30, 2004, Hawk Lee’s architect license number C-25780 was revoked; however, the revocation was stayed, his license was suspended for 180 days and he was placed on probation for five years with specific terms and conditions, including reimbursing the Board $3,000 for its investigation and enforcement of the case. The action came after a stipulated settlement was negotiated and adopted by the Board.
An Accusation was filed against Lee for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code sections 5536.22 (Written Contract), 5582 (Aiding and Abetting), 5582.1 (Signing Other’s Plans or Instruments) and 5585 (Incompetency or Recklessness). The Accusation alleged that Lee affixed his stamp and signature to plans which were prepared by a person not authorized to practice architecture, affixed his signature to plans which were not prepared by him or under his responsible control, and failed to execute a contract with his client.
There are no convictions to display.